Recently updated on January 12th, 2024 at 10:55 am

1. Tit for tat: 针锋相对 |
2. Out of a clear blue sky: 突如其来 |
3. A feast for the eyes: 美轮美奂 |
4. Bread and water: 粗茶淡饭 |
5. Hold all the cards: 只手遮天 |
6. Rub shoulders with: 称兄道弟 |
7. To stop at nothing: 不择手段 |
8. Leave sb in the dust: 遥遥领先 |
9. Making waves: 制造事端 |
10. At the mercy of: 受人摆布 |
11. By the book: 循规蹈矩 |
12. Take it on the chin: 坦然面对 |
13. To go for the jugular: 一击毙命 |
14. Bend over backwards: 费尽心力 |
15. To kick in the guts: 迎头痛击 |
16. To miss the boat: 错失良机 |
17. Fly in the face of: 公开挑衅 |
18. Tie the knot: 情定终身 |
19. A tall order: 艰巨任务 |
20. Go off at/on: 大发雷霆 |
21. To throw a bone to: 笼络人心 |
22. Down and out: 穷困潦倒 |
23. Spare no efforts: 不遗余力 |
24. Off to a running start: 占得先机 |
25. The meat of it: 关键环节 |
26. Run of the mill: 庸庸碌碌 |
27. Off and running: 风生水起 |
28. Out for blood: 穷凶恶极 |
29. Off the plan: 未来规划 |
30. To walk a fine line: 不偏不倚 |
31. Under the thumb of: 仰人鼻息 |
32. Beat one’s chest: 色厉内荏 |
33. In the thick of it: 疲于奔命 |
34. Hit the spot: 正中下怀 |
35. Flex one’s muscles: 炫耀实力 |
36. Judge a book by its cover: 以貌取人 |
37. Hold all the aces: 稳操胜券 |
38. Out for blood: 怒不可遏 |
39. Born to the purple: 出身显赫 |
40. Shoot to fame: 一鸣惊人 |
41. Dead heat: 棋逢对手/伯仲之间 |
42. Get blood from a stone: 缘木求鱼/枉费心机 |
43. Six ways from Sunday: 想方设法/穷尽手段 |
44. Bob’s your uncle: 十拿九稳/唾手可得 |
45. Nickel-and-dime: 鸡毛蒜皮/斤斤计较 |
46. Go through the roof: 价格飞涨/大发雷霆 |
47. Fly off the handle: 勃然大怒/怒不可遏 |
48. Take it on the chin: 坦然面对/默默承受 |
49. Sitting duck: 坐以待毙/任人宰割 |
50. On your mettle: 竭尽全力/尽心竭力 |
51. Herding cats: 枉费心机/徒劳无功 |
52. On cloud nine: 欣喜若狂/喜出望外 |
53. Hit the spot: 心满意足/正中下怀 |
54. To defy belief: 匪夷所思 |
55. Get it together: 改过自新/振作精神 |
56. Smoking gun: 确凿证据/铁证如山 |
57. Rose-tinted glasses: 盲目/过度乐观 |
58. Grey eminence: 幕后操纵/幕后指使 |
59. Leap in the dark: 铤而走险/孤注一掷 |
60. Bend over backwards: 想方设法/费尽心力 |
61. Be on last legs: 气数已尽/精疲力尽 |
62. Smoke and mirrors: 云山雾罩/故弄玄虚 |
63. A red herring: 转移焦点/掩人耳目 |
64. Showboating: 哗众取宠/炫耀技巧 |
65. Tit for tat: 针锋相对/冤冤相报 |
66. Saved by the bell: 死里逃生/九死一生 |
67. An uphill task: 艰巨任务/艰险历程 |
68. To face down: 坦然面对/沉着应战 |
69. Stand/walk tall: 自信满满/踌躇满志 |
70. Off the beaten track: 荒无人烟/不毛之地 |
71. Up in the air: 悬而未决 |
72. Over the moon: 欣喜若狂 |
73. Jump the gun: 操之过急 |
74. Whip into shape: 重振旗鼓 |
75. Hit a brick wall: 一筹莫展 |
76. Pinch me moment: 不可思议 |
77. Eureka moment: 醍醐灌顶 |
78. Pack a punch: 效果彰显 |
79. The cherry on top: 锦上添花 |
80. Blow away the cobwebs: 振作精神 |
81. Bite the bullet: 勉为其难 |
82. Second to none: 无与伦比 |
83. Leave no stone unturned: 竭尽全力 |
84. To tie the knot: 永结同心 |
85. Run of the mill: 平淡无奇 |
86, Hot on the heels of: 紧随其后 |
87. Bend the knee: 甘拜下风 |
88. Pull the strings: 幕后操纵 |
89. A stab in the back: 背信弃义 |
90. Shoot oneself in the foot: 弄巧成拙 |
91. Hit the ground running: 旗开得胜 |
92. Get a blood from a stone: 枉费心机 |
93. Bob’s your uncle: 十拿九稳 |
94. Nickel-and-dime: 鸡毛蒜皮 |
95. As cool as a cucumber: 心静自然凉 |
96. Have an ace up one’s sleeves: 锦囊妙计 |
97. Fly off the handle: 勃然大怒 |
98. A punch to the gut: 灭顶之灾 |
99. On your mettle: 竭尽全力 |
100. Six ways from Sunday: 穷尽手段 |
101. Let the cat out of the bag: 走漏风声 |
102. A reality check: 改过自新 |
103. Rose-tinted glasses: 过度乐观 |
104. Leap in the dark: 孤注一掷 |
105. Smoke and mirrors: 故弄玄虚 |
106. Showboating: 掩人耳目 |
107. Saved by the bell: 九死一生 |
108. An uphill task: 艰险历程 |
109. Stand tall: 踌躇满志 |
110. Jump through hoops: 绞尽脑汁 |
111. Nutty as a fruitcake: 怪里怪气 |
112. Stink to high heaven: 卑鄙下流 |
113. To go rogue: 为所欲为 |
114. Chase the bottom line: 唯利是图 |
115. Drive away the blues: 排解忧愁 |
116. Take the heat off: 缓解压力 |
117. Rub sale into the wounds: 雪上加霜 |
118. The final nail in the coffin: 不堪重负 |
119. Be set in one’s aways: 一成不变 |
120. From hero to zero: 身败名裂 |
121. On the fence: 模棱两可 |
122. To knuckle under: 俯首帖耳 |
123. Keep one’s nose clean: 循规蹈矩 |
124. The gloves are off: 图穷匕见 |
125. On the nose: 精确无误 |
126. Out of touch: 不切实际 |
127. Without a hitch: 手到擒来 |
128. To take one’s heels: 溜之大吉 |
129. To go belly up: 一败涂地 |
130. Down the drain: 前功尽弃 |

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