Useful List of Chinese Breakfast Vocabulary with English Translations

Recently updated on January 12th, 2024 at 10:53 am

Chinese Breakfast Vocabulary with English Translations
Chinese Breakfast Vocabulary with English Translations
Category 1. Steamed Items
馒头 mantou
包子 baozi
花卷 twisted mantou
汤包 gravy baozi
小笼包 gravy baozi in bamboo steamer
年糕 rice cake
发糕 rice sponge cake
年糕 golden cake
糍粑 glutinous rice cake
烧麦 rice bag
窝头 corn mantou / sorghum mantou
肠粉 Cantonese roll noodle
Category 2. Fried Items
油条 fried dough stick
煎包 pan fried baozi
煎饼果子 Chinese taco
麻球 fried tangyuan
糯米鸡 fried sticky rice ball
馓子 fried noodle
葱油饼/手抓饼 pastry pancake
煎饺 pan fried dumpling
Category 3. Boiled Items
汤面 noodle
白粥 plain porridge
紫米粥 black porridge
杂粮粥 cereal rice porridge
阳春面 plain soup noodle
米粉 rice noodle
宽面 band noodle
刀削面 piece noodle
馄饨 wonton
Category 4. Baked Items
烧饼/锅盔 stone oven pancake
米粑 rice pancake
肉夹馍 Chinese hamburger
烤红薯/烤地瓜 roast sweet potato
石炉 stone oven
Category 5. Side Dishes
咸鸭蛋 salted egg
荷包蛋 fried egg
炒蛋 scrambled egg
白水蛋 poached egg
皮蛋 century egg
酸菜 pickled cabbage
Category 6. Sauces
酱油 soybean sauce
醋 vinegar
辣椒油 chili oil
花椒油 vine pepper oil
红糖 brown sugar

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