Top 5 Chinese Content Marketing Tips to Fuel Your Business Growth

Recently updated on February 2nd, 2024 at 09:50 am

Many international businesses that are interested in expanding into the Chinese market might wonder where to begin with Chinese content marketing. There are many channels that any content marketer must build a solid presence to reach the Chinese audience, for example, Weibo, WeChat, Little Red Book, Zhihu, Kuaishou, Douyin, Bilibili, etc. Content marketing in China is more than SEO, blogs, Instagram, and Facebook.

What is Content Marketing?

Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing relevant, consistent, and valuable content to engage a specific audience. The ultimate goal of any content marketing is to produce a result such as a positive ROI.

There’s a diverse variety of content: web content (website, blog), social media, video, books, e-books, news releases, broadcasts, reviews, etc.

Why is Chinese Content Marketing Important?

In China, there are one billion internet users and almost everyone has a smart mobile phone. They spend an average of more than 2 hours on PCs or smartphones to check various news, videos, social media, and more every day. If you are doing business with China, digital marketing is a fast way to target the prospects who are most likely to purchase your products or services.

However, with China’s separate and unique eco-system fenced by the Great Firewall, most western websites and applications are only accessible with the use of a VPN.

Chinese Content Marketing

💡Therefore, it’s essential for companies to create a presence on popular Chinese applications if they want to connect to the Chinese market. All content not only has to be in Mandarin but also formatted and amended for Chinese platforms, searching algorithms & keyword sets in Characters & Pinyin.

Chinese Content Marketing - Social Media Platforms in China
Chinese Content Marketing – Social Media Platforms in China

Chinese content marketing occurs through several distribution channels and methods.

The following are the 11 popular content marketing channels in China:

  • WeChat
  • Weibo
  • Toutiao
  • Zhihu
  • Xiaohongshu (Little Red Book)
  • Douyin
  • Kuaishou
  • Youku
  • Bilibili
  • Douban
  • Baidu Tieba

Top 5 Tips for Effective Chinese Content Marketing

Choose the Right Social Media Platform

Localizing your content strategy starts with an intelligent selection of Chinese social media platforms that fits your sector, audience demographic, KPI’s & end goals.

💡If you’re a cosmetic brand looking to sell beauty products to young females in China, then you can’t miss Xiaohongshu as the majority of users are females. It’s a great platform to create and distribute content that promotes brand awareness. The content should be geared at providing relevant and valuable information about beauty and lifestyle products or services.

Chinese content marketing that is localized to match the audience and platform can really make a difference in how well your brand does in China.

Optimize Chinese Keywords for Search Algorithms

It is essential to break into the Chinese market to be visible and well referenced. To do this, the company must translate and localize web content in Mandarin Chinese.

Using good keywords in Mandarin will allow you to increase your referencing and therefore your visibility to reach the largest possible audience.

💡Searching algorithms are not just confined to Baidu of course, WeChat has a search function, and Weibo has a discover section where trending news in specific categories is up ranked.

Cooperate with KOL

It’s no secret that KOLs (Key Opinion Leaders) are bigger in Asia.

Chinese Content Marketing - KOLs in China
Chinese Content Marketing – KOLs in China

In China, influencers are like celebrities and often have more followers than many Western celebrities. Utilizing ‘KOL power’ in China is a great way to get brand exposure and reach your target audiences. Chinese consumers tend to trust KOLs more for product reviews.

Use Localization Services to Target a Specific Persona

The Chinese market is vast and hugely disparate. It is also changing at a rapid pace, and younger generations often have very different influences, experiences, and ambitions from older generations.

💡Localization is particularly important in marketing to your Chinese audience, which is segmented into several diverse groups based on location and language.

Take Cultural Differences into Account

One major challenge in any marketing approach is the strategy for each country. Cultural differences can also affect customer behaviour.

For example, the red colour is considered to be auspicious in China, while yellow is often related to nobility.

Chinese Content Marketing Services by Chinese Copywriter

The Chinese Copywriter’s content marketing services help clients create bespoke Chinese content marketing strategy as well as an analytic measurement that is tailored to each client’s industry to help them reach the targeted Chinese audience.

From content marketing strategy planning to creating and distributing, our Chinese content marketing team will work with you through the whole process.

English-Chinese Glossary of Marketing Terms

media blast                媒体造势
at the height of the sales                 商店营业的高峰期 / 销售高峰时间
audience                     受众
banner ad                   横幅广告
in amalgamated format                   合并的格式
internal challenges                内部挑战
press tours                宣传巡游
selling arguments                  销售说辞
Subcontractor               分包商
to bring the message to life             形象生动地传达信息
up and coming                     新秀  
value per se               价值本身
expect free 3-day delivery 预期免费三天(内)送货上门
Flash Sale                   限时促销    
flexible rates/prices              弹性价格
take orders    接受订货
English-Chinese Glossary of Marketing Terms
gross margin & gross profit                        毛利率 & 毛利润
hat money                  运费补贴
horizontal diversification                 横向多元化
Immediate Sponsor               直接赞助人
“Specialties only” market                 “特产专卖”市场
brand loyalty             品牌忠诚度
co-branding                  品牌联合
complimentary              免费赠送
customer event                      客戶(招待)活动
customize offers                    量身定制
promotional agreement                   推广协议
rewards                       奖励
shared vision            共同愿景
sense and simplicity            精于心,简于形
single purchase                      单次购买或单笔交易
English-Chinese Glossary of Marketing Terms

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is China a Highly Targeted Market?

China is the second-largest economy in the world and the largest e-commerce market. With rising incomes, increasing consumer spending, and an increasingly open business environment, the Chinese market is very attractive to Western businesses.

How Big is the Chinese Ecommerce Market?

China retains global e-commerce leadership with a 9.9% growth in their e-commerce market, according to GlobalData’s forecast, which predicts the Chinese e-commerce market will grow to CNY15.2 trillion ($2.2 trillion) at the end of 2023.

What is Content Marketing for China?

Content marketing for China is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing content to attract and retain Chinese audience.

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